How To Get Into Ketosis Fast
Your body is usually running on sugar, it's depending on the stored glycogen in your muscle and your liver or the dietary sugar, that's why you need to constantly eat to keep the sugar fuel up.
When you're trying to get into Ketosis, the first thing to do is to make the body runs on fat fuel instead of sugar, which is obviously a better fuel.
Here are some tips that will help you make that switch and get into ketosis as soon as possible :
1- Combine Keto Diet with Intermittent Fasting
To get faster results, you should try to keep your insulin levels low so your body makes the switch from running on carbohydrates to running on fat, try to calculate your calories and macros and keep the fat percentage between 70% and 75%. In order to speed up the process, you have to avoid spiking your insulin levels during the day. Intermittent fasting is the key to keep your insulin low, and when you combine it with Keto diet, you'll end up getting the best strategy that will lead you to the Ketosis state.
2- Use Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Water
These two drinks has shown to help balance the blood sugar, especially when used around meal time. Use a straw so it's doesn't bother your teeth while drinking it.
3- Add Electrolytes and Nutritional Yeast as Supplements
These two ingredients will help you heal the root problem which is insulin resistance, so basically in this transition phase, you're dealing with a low blood sugar situation and as long as your body is still not fully adapted, and the electrolytes will help to speed up the process and increase the fat adaptation.
4- Increase The Fat Intake
Whenever you feel hungry during this transition phase, try to get some snacks but as long as you don't want them to trigger your insulin, they must be a source of fat that will help you overcome the feeling of hunger without ruining your strategy, get some pecans or half of an avocado...
5- Rump Up The Physical Activity
Exercise will help you deplete your glycogen stores either in the muscles or in your liver, do some HIIT Cardio or some resistance training during the transition period, you'll drop all the sugars out of your body so you can finally run on your own fat fuel.
6- More Green Veggies
Potassium, this magical mineral that you'll find in salads and green vegetables, is gonna help you stabilize your insulin levels and heal your blood sugar problems.
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